Well really, it had been a nice day becuase it had been 70 degrees outside. This had pleasured me, and I had been being a guin-hopper all day, and trotting around talking to myself nicely. So I had been taken outside, and had grazed in the grass. I had really been a natural grazing animal, and had deserved to be in the environment to graze at all times. Well really, I did not stay out for very long, but I had been greedy and had wanted more grass. But then, the next day when I had wanted to go out, my slave had learned me. It had really gotten cold, and had only 40 degrees. The temperature which the rage of myself had been was 212 degrees. I had curled up in my slaves coat, and that is where I had stayed. But I had not been pleased that the weather had deceived myself.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
The mitten which had been my possession
Well really, in the cold days of winter I had been making nests in my cage that had kept me warm. But then, I thought to myself, if I had looked cold and sad my slaves would feel sorry for myself and give me something. So that is what I had done in my deceitfulness. And then I was given a black mitten which had been mine. I had kept the mitten in the corner of my cage, but had taken it inside my house when the nights had been cold in the closet. I had sat on it, and extended my snow-white paws on it, so that they had had something soft to rest on. My possession of this mitten had been of my importance.
The importance of the goodness of my stripes and spotted foot
Well really, my stripes had been beautiful and snow white. In the goodness of my days, I had also spent time grooming myself, and being groomed and petted with my fur brush in the goodness of my days. I had curled up so that my stripe would not be visible when I had slept in the pink blanket of my bed. And also the goodness of my spotted foot had been important. And so, I had thought that you had needed to admire my stripes which had been of myself.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
I had been thankful for myself
Well really, I had only been thankful for myself. I had had two stripes, a beautiful figure, catfish whiskers, a spotted foot, a white stomach, snow-white paws, puffed out chin fur, a little gray beard, four razor sharp teeth, a pink tongue, two black ears, and many other things about myself. I had not needed to be thankful for anything else, because I had been entitled to it because of the powerful status I had had. Well really, I had also become a person lately as well. I had eaten my Thanksgiving dinner off of a plate, which had been the ways of a person. I had had pumpkin pie, sweet potatoes, and cranberries. This had pleased me. I had eaten first the sweet potatoes, then I had had the pie, and last I had licked up cranberries. I had been of much importance while I had been eating this. Admire my pictures.
Monday, November 23, 2009
I had eaten as a human
Well really, I had been eating like a human, because of my ways. I had stolen carrots away from my slaves lunch. I had pilfered them. I had wanted them and had eaten them because I had been mighty in my ways.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
I had been hungering
Monday, November 16, 2009
The looks I had had in my time of displeasure
Well really, I had gone out running for 2 hours today because it had been my will. I am still very displeasured about the bath which I had been given and had not taken kindly to the consolation my slaves presented me to make me pleasured. But really, I had taken advantage of it. And when I had been outside, I had fought against Chuck because it had all been her fault that we had been given a bath. Above is the photo in which I had fought chuck. I had narrowed my eyes so that I would look threatening as I had had power and sharpness of teeth.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
the day that had been of goodness and badness
I had been the swine that was responsible for the flu that had been named after me in my honor. Well really, when my slave wouldn't take me out to run I gave my slave the swine flu as my revenge. I had been revengeful. And therefor, my slave had laid in bed under my watch for a whole week. I had not even been sleeping in my bed with my slave because of the sickness that my swine flu had brought. Well really, that is what I had done, and now I had had the time to write and tell you about the day I had had of today.
Well really, I had had a day of goodness and badness. It had been going well. I had been left to sleep in my closet until later in the morning when I had woken up. Then I had noticed that the sun was shining and the birds had chirped praises to myself. It had been 75 degrees outside and I had known my days priorities. But the slaves had not cared as much. The game was on that had had to be watched so I had secretly watched it myself. But after the game and then the post-game I had been taken outside to my liking. It had almost been dark out, which had been to my dismay, but I had eaten many yellow leafs and had also been eating tender little grasslings which had been young baby sprouted up out of the ground pieces of grass. This had pleased me greatly. But then when I had come back inside, I had realized it had all been a trick from the start. I had been put on a chair and then I heard the sink start to run. And then I was taken helplessly and put in the sink of water to be given a bath that I had not needed. I had been furious and had imitated an alligator in the water that I had been ready to strike with my sharp teeth at no warning. I had sprung out of the water into the soap dish and had gotten soap on my chin fur. Then my slave washed the soap out of my chin fur which had enraged myself. I had not been pleasured for many reasons of this deceitful act done to myself. Then I had been dried off with a towel and dried with a hair dryer which I had not liked so I had run away and crept under the bed, which had been my act of deceit in return that the slave had not noticed of my creeping away. Then when I had been dried and put away I had been given a consolation treat of a yogurt raisin. I had been smart to refuse this consolation treat to show of my great displeasure, but when my slaves had left I had eaten and digested the yogurt raisin because of my greed. I hope that you had had the time to admire the pictures that I had had of myself.
So, I had walked away. You had been able to see my rubber bottomed feet in their importance.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The ways I had lived
Well really, it had been the time to be begging which I had done. I had been living my ways in the fall weather which had made it colder for my existence. But really, I had also been very powerful and had avoided my fall bath which had been coming to me. I had gotten a pepper core and had had many carrots which had been bigger then my body. And I had also wanted more treats. And I had also been given plain food which had not been to my pleasure.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
My Looks Had Been Deceiving
Well really, I had been having looks that were deceiving because I had known that I had not wanted a bath. I had not received my pre-winter bath and had hoped against it. So I had spent much time grooming to make my stripe more white and even had groomed my stomach and gray fur as well. And I had made my whiskers straight and orderly. I had been soft and had felt as if I was given a bath, which I had not needed. But then my ears heard the sink turn on in the bathroom and I had feared the worst. So I had been tense and had scrambled under my slaves chin to hide from the thoughts of a bath. Well really, I had not been given one after all but had been given my dinner and put in the closet for the time of night at which I do things. I had also been given a treat of purple cabbage because I had been deserving in the early day. But I had gotten no treat with dinner. Which had not been good. But most of all, I had been pleased with the looks that deceived the slaves out of giving me a bath which I had feared.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
I had had stripes like a referee
And in my days I had noticed the stripes that I had had had been like the stripes of a referee, so I had wanted to lace up my ice skates which you did not know that I had kept under my foodbowl (which is hand painted and fired) and go be a referee on the ice. It would have been cold to my rubber feet but I would have had skates on. Well really, I had liked to be a hockey referee and had bitten the team that I had not favored in my days. This post had revealed to you what sport I had liked and had cheered for. And it had been winter now. And you had also seen in the picture that my mouth had been opened. Which had been one of my cute ways, to open my mouth so that you could see my long saber-like sharp teeth which had been capable of biting.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
the way I had been curled up because of the coldness
I hope that you like the pictures of the way I had been curled up. I had not been outside for a long time because of the coldness, but it had been supposed to warm up later this week. I had also outsmarted my slaves into forgetting about the before winter nap that I had supposed be given but had not. So I had spent my time snuggled away in my pink blanket or my yellow blanket. I had been curled up and had compacted myself making myself small. It had been of the cute way I had known. Well really, you had been able to see my stripes and my spotted foot which had made me proud that you had been able to admire my pictures.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
The Rose of Myself which had belonged to Myself.
Well really, in the garden of myself is a rose. The rose is my favorite color pink which I had liked since I had been a baby guinea pig, which of course then, I was still as powerful as I am now but I had not discovered my power. I had had this rose that was mine and had sniffed it because its smell had been pleasing to myself and the nose I had had of myself.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
My views, My possessions, and My begging
Well really, I had been planning to post some most of-myself-ful pictures over the next few days. It had a satisfying weekend in my world. I had slept. I had been running and eating in the grass. I had also been looking forward to when the grass that had belonged to me would be re-seeded to replenish my meadow of wonder and dreams. So I had been gonig to be writing to you so that you would know of my power and ways of myself that had been the way I had lived my days of this week. This pictures had had much to admire. One picture had been of my begging ways only moments before I had gotten the treat. Then the next picture had been of me when I had devoured the purple cabbage leaf that had been the rewards of my begging. In this picture, the view of my teeth had been visible. I had had white teeth. Then is a picture of my anger. I had not had my way and had just come inside from the outside world. I had been in rage and had flipped my house over and pulled my hayrack down all by myself. I had not had my way and I had sulked about it until I had forgotten when the little alarm in my head had gone of to signal the begging for the next meal to begin.
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