Monday, May 11, 2009

My dreams in the rain

I have lots of dreams. Dreams that you don't even know about. I was going to go outside today. When I was woken up at 6:45 am, I heard the rain drumming on the roof top. It was not fair. It cancelled the dreams of myself. I was upset. I deserved to go outside today. And last night. In the afternoon, I was given a watermelon. I ate the whole thing, even the green parts and saved some of it right next to my food bowl also next to my corncob. Then my slave cleaned my cage out and I lost all the food that I had hidden under my food bowl, in my house and in the holes that I had dug. It had taken me a long time to store. I was upset. I got in my clean cage and looked for it all night long. No luck. It had been dumped for the raccoons.

I would like to notify all my slaves of myself in this video. Watch it many times. I am very important:

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