I was taken out running for a morning run a few days ago. I was pleased. I had my way. Then the hawks came out. They made hawk noises. Really, I am louder and stronger then the hawks. They can't eat me. I am more powerful than them. But I was in distress when it was time to go inside. It made my stomach boil in rage. I was full of rage. It wasn't my fault that it was time to go in. It was the hawk. I do not like the hawk, although I am more powerful than it. It will not swoop down and swoop back up with me. So then the next night I was taken outside to catch the evening air. And the owl was out. It was a baby owl . And it was screetching. And I was mad. It spoiled my run. I was eating grass as fireflys aorund my blinked yellow lights to illuminate the grass. It distrubed and distressed me when the owl screetched. I had this exact face on infactly. It displeasures me greatly. And also my whiskers were in disarray.
Oh, how awful! What a bad little screeching owl. I hope you will be able to have a good run again, without the owls and hawks.
Yours in great servage,
Your stomach boiled? O_o Wow, my stomach has never boiled in anger. I bet you could've killed that hawk if it came down to eat you!
Poor Mokus! I hope you have a better run next time! You should kill the mean hawk and owl!
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