I'm sad that yesterday my sister died. Well really, of course I have never mentioned her on here, because this is exclusively my world. However, she served my as a faithful slave for 4 1/2 years, so I had to mention her. Maple was her name, her nickname May. She was 3 times as fat as me, and had slightly longer fur than me which was a blotchy yellowish/black/brown. She did not have any stripes. She was very noisy. She spent much of her life huffing and puffing and squeaking for food. She had originally lived downstairs, but in the months of summer joined me and my other sister Chuck in residence at The Bomb Shelter. We had many a contest to see who was the loudest squeaker. Of course I was always the winner, though my slave said many a time that Maple was indeed louder. I miss her. I have been sad all day. I had the chance to kiss her goodbye yesterday evening. It was the first time that I had ever kissed her, because of course I was always much much much more important than her. Well really, enjoy the pictures posted of her. don't admire. just enjoy. I miss you, Maple.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Well Really
I am a very nice pet. I got my cage cleaned out by Slave today. I am busy at work digging new holes, and chewing on wood chips. I must say it is sad that my food bowl is empty. I am distressed at it.
Also, I am listening to my favorite radio station, 89.7 fm theclassicalstation.org if anyone is interested in listening to my favorite station. However, slave put it on the ugly drums of the Christmas station all day on Saturday. I was very angry at it. I couldn't express anger in words. Then, slave put on 99.9 fm 'the fan' and I had to listen to Chuck Kaiton's call of the game while Slave went downstairs to watch it.
Stay tuned for my countdown to Christmas, 'Mok's 12 days of Christmas' which will be a series of pictures of me in the holiday cheer. I will promise you cuteness and lots of views of my stripes.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
I left you hanging!
And to see you much you really cared for me, slaves I will inform you with what I have been doing. I ate a hardy thanksgiving dinner. I was very proud of it. I hope that you are thankful for me. Of course I am far above and beyond being thankful for anything. I am Mokus, after all.
I hope that you enjoy looking at my picture. You should be thankful I am alive to entertain you.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Cold Nights and Early Mornings
To let you in on a little bit more of the ways I live my life, I'll tell you about my cold nights!
Yesterday we had snow flurries in the afternoon. I really despise snow. It disturbs me. Really, snow is white, and when it covers the ground and trees, and green grass, it makes them white-- snow-white. I refuse to let anything in my power glitter and gleam in white except my paws and my stripes, which you have fully admired here on my blog. Thus I do not like snow, and refuse to even look when I am held up to the window to see. I immediately turn my head right around and strain my paws and leap away, even to the ground so I don't have to look at it. Luckily it is all green everywhere now, so I don't have to worry about it. My nights this week have been cold. I sleep in the closet with a blanket over my cage to keep in the warmth. I still insist on flipping my house over, so I had to puff out all my gray fur and stripes to keep warm last night. I was quite thankful that maple was out of water, so she did not keep me up with her drinking.
This morning was quite nice. I got a treat from the food as well as a few little kernals of mok food. It was my pleasure and delight. I then started listening to one of my favorite programs on the radio classical music station, 'Rise and Shine'. I washed my face, groomed my stripe, and licked my paws to beautiful music early in the morning.
I'll write more later. My little snow-white paws can only type so much at one time.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The Story OF My Eye
On this cold bitter evening I sit to type with my snow white paws the story of my eye. This happened several weeks ago, before I started writing to you people of my beautiful stripes, snow-white paws, and the ways of my life. It was a Friday night, and as usual after dinner at 11:00 pm I was put in the closet, well really, my royal chamber-- tell my slave that I'd rather not have to share it with maple and chuck-- and I washed my face. but I had had a sticky dinner treat and a shaving stuck to my snow-white fingers, so when I washed my face the shaving rubbed off into my eye, and was stuck. I squealed, and groaned but nobody heard so I had a shaving stuck in my eye for a very long time. By the time I was taken out in the morning and my owner noticed I couldn't see and my eye was not even visible to the slave, who was so shocked that she broke down crying all over my white stripe. Well really, I have a way with slaves. So when the slave summoned courage slave pulled the shaving that was half way stuck in my head by now right out and I let out a distress grinding noise. I couldn't see for the rest of the day out of my little beady black eye, and finally it stopped bleeding and being all red and puffy. It then turned white, so I could only see out of one eye. The next day it got a bit better, and the next day still better, nursed back to good sight by Slave. It is completely recovered now, and I can see a full range of vision with both of my precious eyes. It hurt and I was in excruciating mok pain, but with the extra lot of consolation treats showered on me by slave and the playing of my favorite song "grand canyon suite" I was able to live through the scary experience.
Well really, I hope you enjoyed the story. Check back next Sunday for a Mok Story OF The Week.
Here are a few pictures of me. You know the routine; admire as usual.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
'Sleeping Beauty' on a rainy day
Well really, my new name is sleeping beauty. This is what my owner called me today as I cutely stretched out my snow-white paws and wiggled my whiskers in my sleep. I was charming and cute. I was top pig today and as usual the gray clouds spread across the sky early in the morning to bring sadness to my day along with the assurance that I would not be able to go outside. So, in turn, I took a nap all day. Soon I will begin to beg for my dinner.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
My Pretty Gray Fur Outside
Well really, it did get cold. I woke up this morning when my 'slave' took me out of the closet. I am top pig today. When the curtains were pulled back, the sun filled up my cage with warmth. I took a 'mok nap' in it and stretched out my snow-white paws. I even did a 'mok yawn' when 'slave' petted me and told me "you are the beautiful one I picked out." Then I was even more charming and was put in the bed for a nice long mok nap in the pink blanket.
I had dreams about playing outside in the green grass eating tender little clovers.
Here are a few pictures of me outside in the fall leaves. Notice my stripes. And also my cute ears.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Fall Photo Shoot
Well really, it was 80 degrees this weekend. Just as I had predicted. My slave took me outside, but not for the planned 'solo run'. I had to be accompanied by my sisters, Chuck and Maple. Of course I ate the most and sat in the most plentiful patch of clovers. I then sat with the pink mums and had my picture taken in several different poses. Then I had to go in. I was sad, but it was Chuck's fault that we had to go in, so I'll bite her later.
Admire my pictures
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Dream Day
Well really, I had a nice day today. I sat in my cage all morning. I was not the top pig today. I cleaned my stripe off, washed my face, cleaned my whiskers, which if you didn't notice are beautiful.
I went outside today for a whole hour. It was heavenly. I ate half of a clover patch, and to my slaves dismay ate three poplar leaves and two brown oak leaves.
I'm in my cage wondering what I did to deserve being brought inside. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 80 tomorrow, so I will expect to be taken for a morning, lunch, afternoon, and evening run/grazing session.
My Hurricanes play tonight. Hopefully 'Slave' will put on the radio for me or bring me down to watch it in luxury.
Stay tuned for my sure to be wonderful tomorrow!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Lazy Dayz
Sunday, November 2, 2008
My weekend in my world
My weekend, though it isn't quite over yet has not gone quite as planned. First of all, Chuck went outside alone, and I was not taken. This enraged me. I was very upset and my feelings are hurt. It was the warmest day of winter, and I didn't get to go out. As if this is not enough to upset me, I did not once get to listen to my favorite song. I was very sad not to hear it. The 'slave' said that the CD is lost. But I don't believe it. Today it is only 60. And though I say it isn't to cold, the slave says that it is. So, I did have a nice dinner though. one good thing atleast. I had a good helping of hay and guinea pig food as well as a long stalk of celery that entertained me for exactly 3 1/2 minutes. Then I was put to bed and had dreams of being outside on the never ending lawn, grazing on grass...
Friday, October 31, 2008
My costume!
Well, I spent all afternoon being dressed up in various costumes. I ran away from the hats. I was very fast. but I did get some extra tidbits of food out of the whole thing, so it wasn't terrible. I didn't mind being a ghost, except for the fact that it covered my stripes. Well really, admire my pictures!
Carolina Hurricanes 1, St. Louis Blues 0
Well really, I spent a wonderful evening listening to one of my favorite radio announcers as the hurricanes shutout the blues. Well really, I could've played goalie-- really I used to be a goalie a long time ago hmm hmm hmmm. I was cheering very loud. And then when Rutuu scored I said RUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. I was very smart. Aren't you proud of me? Well really I knew they would win anyways.. I would've bitten them if they hadn't.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
What I will do tomorrow!
Well really, thanks for stopping by, Mok-admirers! It is my pleasure to have you in my little world! Tomorrow's Halloween, and I am going to dress up and go trick-or-treating! My 'slave' will take pictures of me in my costume(s) tomorrow to put on here , but for now here are a few pictures related to the date!
Should you have any suggestions of what I should dress up as, leave a comment and I'll try my best.
above: me and last years loot. It was mine, but I didn't get the pleasure of eating any of it.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Welcome to Mokus's World!!!
My name is Mokus, and I am of this classification: Order Rodentia, Family Caviidae, Genus Cavia. People call me a Guinea Pig.
I am nearly 4 1/2 years old and have been living with my ways since I was very young. I have a beautiful gray coat of fur with a most noticeable white stripe going across my back. I also have another white stripe going up my face. These stripes set me apart from my two sisters-- I am much more important then they are. One of them is Chuck. I used to live with her when I was a baby, but found it much more pleasing to have my own cage. The other is Maple, who is most loud and obnoxious, disturbing me during my naps by drinking and making noise.
I have my owner wrapped around my little paw. My 'slave' will do almost anything I want. I live a life of leisure and luxury, complete with naps in my bed in my pink blanket. I also have control over what music I get to listen to, my favorite being Grofe's 'Grand Canyon Suite'. I would like to be able to go outside and graze on grass all day in the sunshine, but my 'slaves' seem to only do it once in a while. They will say it is cold or raining and leave me inside all day.
In my cage I own the most beautiful hand painted and fired food bowl. I am very proud of this. I also take most of my naps in my house--which the slaves call "an old clementine box".
Well, really, I'd better be going now. Please spend lots of time admiring my pictures. I am very important.
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