Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Story OF My Eye

On this cold bitter evening I sit to type with my snow white paws the story of my eye. This happened several weeks ago, before I started writing to you people of my beautiful stripes, snow-white paws, and the ways of my life. It was a Friday night, and as usual after dinner at 11:00 pm I was put in the closet, well really, my royal chamber-- tell my slave that I'd rather not have to share it with maple and chuck-- and I washed my face. but I had had a sticky dinner treat and a shaving stuck to my snow-white fingers, so when I washed my face the shaving rubbed off into my eye, and was stuck. I squealed, and groaned but nobody heard so I had a shaving stuck in my eye for a very long time. By the time I was taken out in the morning and my owner noticed I couldn't see and my eye was not even visible to the slave, who was so shocked that she broke down crying all over my white stripe. Well really, I have a way with slaves. So when the slave summoned courage slave pulled the shaving that was half way stuck in my head by now right out and I let out a distress grinding noise. I couldn't see for the rest of the day out of my little beady black eye, and finally it stopped bleeding and being all red and puffy. It then turned white, so I could only see out of one eye. The next day it got a bit better, and the next day still better, nursed back to good sight by Slave. It is completely recovered now, and I can see a full range of vision with both of my precious eyes. It hurt and I was in excruciating mok pain, but with the extra lot of consolation treats showered on me by slave and the playing of my favorite song "grand canyon suite" I was able to live through the scary experience.

Well really, I hope you enjoyed the story. Check back next Sunday for a Mok Story OF The Week.

Here are a few pictures of me. You know the routine; admire as usual.

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