Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Pretty Gray Fur Outside

Well really, it did get cold. I woke up this morning when my 'slave' took me out of the closet. I am top pig today. When the curtains were pulled back, the sun filled up my cage with warmth. I took a 'mok nap' in it and stretched out my snow-white paws. I even did a 'mok yawn' when 'slave' petted me and told me "you are the beautiful one I picked out." Then I was even more charming and was put in the bed for a nice long mok nap in the pink blanket.

I had dreams about playing outside in the green grass eating tender little clovers.

Here are a few pictures of me outside in the fall leaves. Notice my stripes. And also my cute ears.

1 comment:

A. Flaming said...

Mok! Leaves! Brilliant!!!

*is charmed by gorgeous Mok*