Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Views Of Me Running

I have wanted to go outside for 8 days now. I have not. Slave said it was to cold. That it was raining. That it was to hot. There are no excuses. I should be able to go out when I want. However my flower garden is growing and the grass is green, but the owners put me in the dirt to run. I had to exercise. That was not necessary. I ate a holly bush that had sprouted out of the ground. It had taken away some of the daily hunger that I live with. I am still hungry now. I have been going to other guinea pig websites, not that I am a guinea pig of course, and have learned that guinea pigs and especially important ones like me, should be provided with food to keep away hunger all day long. I should be able to graze freely like other pigs of centuries before me. I should be given Wild Harvest food whenever I ask and should have fresh vegetables in abundance. It is my will. Let it be written let it be done.

View the pictures of all angles of me. I am important. Every gray fur and white stripe fur is important.

1 comment:

A. Flaming said...

Mokus! You're sooo cute! And I got your card. ;) It's brilliant!!!

4ever your slave,
