Sunday, June 7, 2009

My box and My patio

My slaves have worked hard for me this weekend. They installed for me a patio that leads to my green running pastures. It also leads to my flower garden in which I can snack on any plant that I desire when the slaves aren't looking. The patio is of red bricks and contains to stripes, which is to my liking. My gray fur and white stripes also stand out on this dark red shade of bricks. This pleases me. I have been running, much to my pleasuredness, much more than usual lately, if not every day every other day. I sit out on the grass in the sun, and then when I don't want to do that I go inside a big cardboard box flipped over with 4 doors to go in and out from. I take naps in this box. It is mine. It pleases me very much. I can eat from the inside of my box. I can also nap, which I already said. It is important to me. Once I fell asleep in it. I was being a good animal. And then my slave woke me up and said "Alright Mokus, time to go in." It was not a way to address myself. For as you know, I am very important. I unfortunately do not have any pictures to share with you right now. I will show pictures as soon as I can.

I was a pleased animal today. I got 2!!! pre-dinner treats. One of then was a little bit of celery and the other was a celery leaf. This pleased me very much. I now must wait for dinner to be given to me. I cry and sniff the air. I will be soon giving you a video of my commanding voice. You will listen to it and remember my commands. When I want to go running. When I am pleasured. When I am angry. When I am hungry. And when I am being deceitful.

1 comment:

A. Flaming said...

Oh! I'm glad you can go running so much.

And you are posting more! So we can know of your doings and hear your great vocabulary!