Monday, November 16, 2009

The looks I had had in my time of displeasure

Well really, I had gone out running for 2 hours today because it had been my will. I am still very displeasured about the bath which I had been given and had not taken kindly to the consolation my slaves presented me to make me pleasured. But really, I had taken advantage of it. And when I had been outside, I had fought against Chuck because it had all been her fault that we had been given a bath. Above is the photo in which I had fought chuck. I had narrowed my eyes so that I would look threatening as I had had power and sharpness of teeth.

I had also had a stance of the arrogance of myself. I had not wanted to be given the bath which I had received. I had puffed out my chin fur to make myself look more powerful. And also my sharklike mouth and snow white paws had been showing.

I had made my stripes and snow white paws visible as well as my whiskers. I had been very cute but had been displeased at the fact of the bath which I had been given.

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