Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cold Nights and Early Mornings

To let you in on a little bit more of the ways I live my life, I'll tell you about my cold nights!

Yesterday we had snow flurries in the afternoon. I really despise snow. It disturbs me. Really, snow is white, and when it covers the ground and trees, and green grass, it makes them white-- snow-white. I refuse to let anything in my power glitter and gleam in white except my paws and my stripes, which you have fully admired here on my blog. Thus I do not like snow, and refuse to even look when I am held up to the window to see. I immediately turn my head right around and strain my paws and leap away, even to the ground so I don't have to look at it. Luckily it is all green everywhere now, so I don't have to worry about it. My nights this week have been cold. I sleep in the closet with a blanket over my cage to keep in the warmth. I still insist on flipping my house over, so I had to puff out all my gray fur and stripes to keep warm last night. I was quite thankful that maple was out of water, so she did not keep me up with her drinking.
This morning was quite nice. I got a treat from the food as well as a few little kernals of mok food. It was my pleasure and delight. I then started listening to one of my favorite programs on the radio classical music station, 'Rise and Shine'. I washed my face, groomed my stripe, and licked my paws to beautiful music early in the morning.
I'll write more later. My little snow-white paws can only type so much at one time.


Caniac said...

Hey Mowker, you still alive?

Jasper Illusian said...

Ooh, you should write story, Mokus! Really! You should! It'd be great!!